Taking Stock of 2016 & Looking Forward at 2017

Taking Stock of 2016

2016 was both an eventful and challenging year, the challenges helped me recognized how bless I am. In the last three months of 2016, I caught up on studying the Bible, read Christian literature and novel, and visited a few parks in Singapore which I will share on my visits in my subsequent posts.

In 2016, I found a new love, Japan. Visited Japan again in November after my first visit in February. I have fallen in love with this beautiful country, the place, the food, the toys, the furniture, and the books. Unfortunately I could not understand Japanese, so I could only read the books translated in English. Would love to visit this beautiful country again in 2017.

I started my blog five months ago. Blogging was totally new to me. Ever since graduation, all I have been writing are e-mails, presentation decks and business proposals. I challenged myself to write a post-a-day. I was doing fine for the first three months, till I went on vacation in November. Keeping up with a post-a-day proved to be challenging. I have also slacked on engaging fella bloggers and followers.

Besides a blog site, I also started a Facebook page and Instagram for my blog.  I am learning something new everyday from fellow bloggers and WordPress courses on blogging, writing, engaging and posting on social media, putting my learning into practice whenever possible, enjoying every bit of it.

Sharing a collage of photographs from my blog posts in 2016. Make a guess on where they were taken.

2016 flew past so quickly. A year that I experienced and did a few of my firsts. A year filled with challenges, blessings and lessons learnt. A year that I got to know myself better.

Looking Forward at 2017

Reminder to myself – Focus on doing what I enjoy and good at. Do not over analyse, go with what my gut tells me and listen to God’s leading.

For 2017, besides working on meeting a set of goals that I have set for myself, I also set up a Thanks-Living section in my 2017 Diary where I would write one thing I thank God for each and every day.

So what’s in store for Living for Experience aka audreysimplicity and me:

  • Keep improving on my writing
  • Keep up on writing three posts a week
  • Learn to use a DSLR that I may take even better pictures
  • Visit more fellow bloggers and followers, engage and connect regularly
  • Finally, Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Ending this post with words from Steve Jobs that I extracted from his Stanford Commencement Address made in 2005.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”


Thank you for stopping by and happy Living for Experiences!

Enjoyed what you read?  Support me by following my blog, my Facebook page  @livingforexperiences and Instagram @livingforexperiences.  Share the post that you like. Every like, comment and share counts! 🙂


17 thoughts on “Taking Stock of 2016 & Looking Forward at 2017

  1. Enjoy 2017! Like what Steve Job said, don’t waste time living other people’s life! Enjoy your own life, happy travelling!
    And yes, we can really learn a lot from blogging.


  2. You must congratulate yourself for what you have achieved in five months of starting blogging. I am still finding it a challenge even though I have been blogging for five years.
    I have loved reading your posts and the photographs which you have posted wishing you the best in the year that lie ahead.


  3. Indeed everyone walks his or her own race in the journey of life. Whether faster or slower the pace, bouncier with each step or not, it is each individual’s choices.
    Here’s to having a great 2017!

    Liked by 1 person

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